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Customer Testimonial
Hello sales team, Peter Britten here, just a quick thank you to Andrew, Rus and Jay for making it easy to order and get delivery to Canberra for the A277 i had ordered. This is my second order over the past few years and i will be stearing anyone who needs plaster products your way. Cornice turned up in perfect condition and where i asked for it to be delivered. Thank you. Kind Regards
Peter Britten
Customer Testimonial
Thank you AllPlasta. You are a pleasure to deal with. Regards, Kim
Kim Flick
Customer Testimonial
Hi Just letting you know the columns have been installed and they look great.Thank you to you and your team. Regards, David Owen
David Owen
Customer Testimonial
Thank you I received the parcel today. Very happy with all the wrapping you done. It looks good.

Would recommend your company again. When I have them put on the ceilings I hopefully will gets lots of comments and will pass on your company name.
Customer Testimonial
Hello, I bought a pediment off your company I travelled all the way from Boorowa nsw to pick it up. The boys were worried about me attaching it to the top of a buffet hutch... With success it's attached and sturdy with brackets. Photos attached. Thank you so very much I absolutely love your work!!! Alicia Horton
Alicia Horton
Customer Testimonial
Thanks for your assistance with our previous purchase of your products for our shop, looks amazing and has bean a great success in its first year of trade. Regards Leigh Thompson Red Earth Flowers 13 Warbler Karratha WA 6714
Leigh Thompson
Customer Testimonial
I had some cornices delivered to Hazelbrook , on Friday 7th August. I would like to say that the young man who delivered ( I didn't ask his name ) was very cheery , obliging , friendly etc. A lovely young man who is a great representative for your company. Thanks Wendy
Customer Testimonial
Hi Allplasta thanks again for the cornice, looks awesome really clean lines & detail. The owners were stoked. Cheers