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Customer Testimonial
Thank you AllPlasta. You are a pleasure to deal with. Regards, Kim
Kim Flick
Customer Testimonial
If you're looking for top quality plaster products, you won't need to look any further than AllPlasta. Andrew has grown this from a one-man show some 17 years ago to now being one of the largest plaster suppliers in Sydney. Pricing is good and includes delivery at the time YOU choose. Great stuff all 'round.
Paul Snedden
Customer Testimonial
Hi Allplasta, Thank you for the brilliant cornice. The installer you recommended did a great job with the installation. We are so glad we found your website! Very happy customers. Regards Clara and Les
Clara and Les
Customer Testimonial
Hi Just letting you know the columns have been installed and they look great.Thank you to you and your team. Regards, David Owen
David Owen
Customer Testimonial
Hi Allplasta, Just a note from Day Street, Leichhardt. The Flannel Flower cornices I ordered from you are up and have been painted and look truly wonderful. A big thank you to your team for a lovely job, I am very pleased with the result. Yours, Marian Kelly
Marian Kelly
Customer Testimonial
" The product we received from Allplasta was of a high quality and our gyprock team were very pleased when installing as it gave a fine finish Mrs P.Davies - Woollahra "
Patricia Davies
Customer Testimonial
Hi Andrew, Thanks so much for expediting my order and the totally professional and excellent service and delivery by yourself and Russ. You guys know how to look after customers! All the best
Rick Ingle
Customer Testimonial
Thank you Andrew - everything looks amazing!!! Those ceiling roses will bring me so much joy x Regards, Bree Lewis Manager
Bree Lewis