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Customer Testimonial
Thank you I received the parcel today. Very happy with all the wrapping you done. It looks good.

Would recommend your company again. When I have them put on the ceilings I hopefully will gets lots of comments and will pass on your company name.
Customer Testimonial
" The product we received from Allplasta was of a high quality and our gyprock team were very pleased when installing as it gave a fine finish Mrs P.Davies - Woollahra "
Patricia Davies
Customer Testimonial
We recently renovated our turn of the century mountain cottage. As part of the process, we had to source very ornate and delicate patterned plaster cornices. I enquired with numerous plaster companies and Allplasta had the best quality & range for our needs. It was a very welcome surprise then to find that in addition, Andrew and his team are authentic, friendly and displayed excellent customer service including very prompt delivery. I wouldn't hesitate in recommending Allplasta.
Customer Testimonial
Hello, I bought a pediment off your company I travelled all the way from Boorowa nsw to pick it up. The boys were worried about me attaching it to the top of a buffet hutch... With success it's attached and sturdy with brackets. Photos attached. Thank you so very much I absolutely love your work!!! Alicia Horton
Alicia Horton
Customer Testimonial
Thank you AllPlasta. You are a pleasure to deal with. Regards, Kim
Kim Flick
Customer Testimonial
I had some cornices delivered to Hazelbrook , on Friday 7th August. I would like to say that the young man who delivered ( I didn't ask his name ) was very cheery , obliging , friendly etc. A lovely young man who is a great representative for your company. Thanks Wendy
Customer Testimonial
Hi Allplasta, Thank you for the brilliant cornice. The installer you recommended did a great job with the installation. We are so glad we found your website! Very happy customers. Regards Clara and Les
Clara and Les
Customer Testimonial
Thank you Andrew - everything looks amazing!!! Those ceiling roses will bring me so much joy x Regards, Bree Lewis Manager
Bree Lewis